Agency Principal/ Cape Girl

An idealist, yet also a realist with a fiery streak, trying to carve out her own way in the agency world. If this reminds you of the familiar sitcom where the protagonist is perpetually forced into impossible situations, and hilarity ensues — do not adjust your dial. When it comes to LF, what you’re experiencing is not an act. It might, in fact, be more honesty than you’ve ever encountered in previous marketing discussions. She’s going ask questions, playing devil’s advocate to all of your ideas, ultimately honing your vision into a unique and rarer-than-diamonds product.

She told grown-ups she wanted to become a writer with a capital W. Now she’s is doling out art and copy in :05 to :30 second snippets. Is it a cruel twist of fate, or destiny?


ISU; BA English Lit, Communication Studies 

Relevant Attributes

  • The Original Cape Girl — since 2007
  • Collector and sentimental keeper of old stuff, with a dangerous binge-and-purge personality. 
  • Hobby-grade interior designer
Community involvement
  • Currently taking a turn as Idaho Falls Ad Fed President
  • Downtown Idaho Falls Development advocate
  • ISU Alum
If you could change careers right this second, what would you do?
I would toss in my chips and go to work at the horse stables down the road from my house. Horses keep it real.